Tag: lesbian


Prologue Some people are destined for greatness, some people have it thrust upon them. I was never able to tell which I was. I suppose that’s my great truth. The thing that makes me do the hero thing. Every superhero hero has reasons, no matter what they say. I gave up my ability to walk…

Greedy For The Verse

I wonder if Nightwing still reads this. If he does, I hope he’s eating his heart out because he misses me so much.<3 Know that I miss you but, I’m totally fucking whomever I please. The State of Smutville The Love Babykat, ah Babykat, she’s back at uni and she’s not with me as much…

Hook Me Up

Halloween. It seems is big holiday. Everyone I know loves it more than Christmas. Unlike Christmas, it never loses it’s magic, it means as much to you as an adult that it does as a kid. It’s still commercialized and half the population just carves pumpkins because its fun. I still loved Halloween despite the…

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