Fast Girls
In an effort to calm down and slow down from my life lately, I thought let’s actually read for it’s enjoyment factor. That’s precisely what I did over the past few weeks. Sundays have become my day to stay in bed and read. I really needed more me time!

I thought I was the only one who wanted to be a sexual rockstar. But no, there’s plenty of other bad girls. I don’t know if I should feel relived or worried.
Fast Girls, is the latest collection of erotica edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. Tagged as erotica for women, it is compiled from an all woman writing pool, Fast Girls features short stories by Tristain Taormino, Saskin Walker, D. L. King, and others. Like other collections by Bussel, Fast Girls is themed. The theme for this collection is a celebration unto itself. Fast Girls in title; Fast Girls in story. These sex positive girls show that they can be just as good as the boys.
Unlike previous collections, the theme is much looser and feels more like a grab bag of short erotic stories. In D. L. King’s “Let’s Dance” the female protagonist takes on an active, dominant role, whereas in stories such as “Whore Complex” by Rachel Kramer Bussel and “Playing the Market” by Angela Caperton, the fast girl of the story finds herself embroiled in prostitution and personal whoredom, respectively. The entire gamut is run from submissive to dominant and everything in between. Strangers, couples, and even some casual friends get down to the dirty in these steamy tales.
Despite the roles of the women and their partner (or partners) in each story, there is one constant that is carried through to the end of the last page, right before you get to the author bios, and that is one of comfort and security. The women in the stories may or may not be comfortable with the situation they find themselves in to start, but they are at home with their own bodies and sexuality. This, in and of itself, is in strong contrast to how women are portrayed in the media and society at large.