No More Fear & Loathing In Lingerie
(A review)
The only book you’ll ever really need to make sure you get the right lingerie for every occasion. A bible for closet lingerie enthusiasts everywhere.
Well organized, useful reference guide
Very pink, pictures and illustrations don’t always jibe with each other thematically.

The Lingerie Handbook, written by the same woman who owns La Petite Coquette, is a well thought out and enjoyable treatise on what goes on under our clothes. It takes the mystique out of shopping for bras and panties while boosting the wearer’s confidence in a piece.
Throughout the book, the reader is taken on a guided tour of just about anything that could be put on as a starting layer for the rest of your clothes. Each garment type is treated well with its own chapter and guide to the way to best wear anything from a bra to a full lingerie set.
While the book goes into all the different types, some more courtesy than others. From the thong to the brazilian boy cut panty, each one has a goal and purpose which are illustrated nicely. Though it is written more for the fully able, it talks about how a piece should fit comfortably.
Otherwise, the book is very direct in its goals and attention. Even for disabled readers, it is an easily accessible collection of advice. With a lot of the uncertainty removed away from the idea of purchasing lingerie, the prospect becomes much more viable in the long run. The information even transcends store loyalty and applies even outside of La Petite Coquette.
There are only two things that are even remotely concerning: the
notable difference between art and actual models as opposed to actually
being drawn in the near realistic style, and the color scheme of the
book itself. It’s easy to see why some would be done with live models
and others done with art, but at a glance it is a little disconcerting.
Likewise with the color
scheme, it’s easy to assume that pink is a girly color and a book about
lingerie should be girly, but it might dissuade some of the less girly
girls from learning all the good tips and tricks to keep in mind when
they go shopping for lingerie.